Focus: Friday rant

After half an hour of running around chasing my girl in her music class today I decided it was home time. She’s still a baby and half an hour is a big ask for full attention from her. As we were leaving one of the group instructors said “oh you’re leaving early are you” as she looked down her nose at the ‘frazzled Mummy’. Well, actually the second half of the session involves the group of children stuffing chocolate biscuits down their throats so “yes, we are actually”. Not that I have anything against chocolate biscuits, but watching the kids fight over them while all of the other parents disappear to the kitchen to eat treats just isn’t fun for us anymore. So we left. Last week one of our well-meaning relatives also indicated that she should have the concentration span of an eight-year-old. I thought. ‘Seriously? She needs more focus in her class huh? How about, again, she’s a BAAABY’. This woman’s had kids too. Can’t she remember that babies just aren’t likely to keep their focus on one thing for hours at a time?

$%#• I reckon it’s time for some chocolate biscuits, but we’ll be having them outside on a picnic rug, under a tree,with a cool breeze blowing past on this beautiful sunny day. Have a great one.

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